A leaked build of Windows 7, claiming to be RTM build 7600 has hit the torrent sites. I personally will be waiting for the official announcement of RTM (which is expected to be tomorrow during Steve Ballmer’s keynote speech at WPC 2009 in New Orleans) before downloading and upgrading, but for anyone interested, the information is as follows:
File Name: 7600.16384.090710-1945_x64fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRMCULXFRER_EN_DVD.iso
Build Version: 6.1.7600.16384.win7_rtm.090710-1945 or 7600.16384.090710-1945
Size: 3,224,717,312
SHA1: 31849B315290EFABFD81F967ED3C553D82925E4C
MD5: E6CE9644D0C7A8E1C950D257A7B2C8A4